Information about the COVID Vaccine

Covid19 Vaccination College Green Medical Practice – A success story

With great progress being made across the nation on our vaccine programme and our roadmap underway, 2021 can really be the year of economic recovery.

College Green Medical Practice, part of the Bournville -Northfield PCN.( Primary Care Network ) is one of the top performing practices with regards the covid19 vaccination rates and this is due to the incredible hard work of the entire team at the practice supported by a fantastic team of our vaccination volunteers, who have given their precious time and energy for this noble cause.

Till date as of Sunday 18TH April, we have vaccinated nearly 7250 patients with first dose out of which nearly 3000 patients have received their second doses either Pfizer or Astra Zeneca.

We have run our clinics mainly on Saturdays at St Heliers Medical centre with our dedicated staff and an army of Volunteers who are mainly retired doctors, nurses, community volunteers and students who help us to input the data on the computer sister and run this operation very smoothly.

On 6th of May we hosted our very first COVID19 vaccination clinic at College Green Medical Practice. Please see the pictures in our photo gallery. The Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccines will be offered at our practice, but we will continue to use the St Heliers Medical Centre, for the Pfizer vaccines.

Ann Ellis, our PPG chair who also is a volunteer at our clinic, wrote to us, how well our vaccination clinics are run, and she had a few patients comment as below

‘’Aren’t they wonderful, it is so well organised? so efficient, amazing, fantastic” 

We are rapidly moving through our cohorts for vaccinations, ensuring all our vulnerable patients are prioritised.

Information about the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine 

New guidance has been issued for the use of the Oxford AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine.

This follows further reviews by the independent regulator, the MHRA, and the Commission for Human Medicines, of a very small number of people in the UK who have developed a rare blood-clotting condition since having the Oxford AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine.

The MHRA and Joint Committee for Vaccinations and Immunisations have emphasised that the risk of this condition is extremely small and that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks for the vast majority of people.  They have recommended that:

  • Everyone who has had the AstraZeneca vaccine should still have a second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, irrespective of age, unless they have had a blood clot or have an existing risk of thrombosis (blood clotting)
  • People aged 30 and over or who have a health condition that puts them at higher risk of severe Covid-19 disease should still be offered the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine. The benefits in protecting them against the serious consequences of COVID-19 outweigh any risk of this rare condition.
  • People aged 18-29 who do not have a health condition that puts them at higher risk of severe Covid-19 disease will be offered an alternative Covid-19 vaccine where available. (This has been recommended as a precaution as people under 30 are at less risk from Covid-19 and not because they are considered to be at particular risk of developing the rare blood clot.)
  • People under 30 can still choose to have the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine if this will mean they can be protected more quickly and they have been made aware of the guidance.

Please see the leaflet below that has been produced by Public Health England and the NHS to answer any questions you may have

Leaflet on COVID-19 vaccination and blood clotting

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